Posts Tagged ‘spiritual gateways to the demonic’

Covenant With Death: Opened Gates To The Demonic

November 16, 2015


Many people don’t realize that day after day they open gateways to the demonic and have no idea that they do so with their daily activities, sinful habits, and or lifestyles. Partly, this has to do with being ignorant to the spiritual world and partly being disbelievers of God & Satan as well of the Holy Bible.

The truth is that Satanist run all aspects of society, from the indoctrination of the public school system, all the way down to science, archaeology, politics, media, and entertainment. Everything is carefully monitored to push and  promote a godless society and thus removing any evidence of the existence of God the Creator.

The United States of America opened up itself to demonic attacks once they removed God from the public school system and from the court houses of America. School shootings became the norm and the constitution once protected by the courts is now considered dead by the very courts that swore to uphold it.

The evil spiritual gateways were then opened followed by the physical gate ways which are or were its borders; that used to protect the once great nation of America. America as a whole is now with opened gates (AKA borders) vulnerable to all kinds of infiltrations from the enemy that might seek to destroy it.

If a spiritual demonic gateway is opened, you can rest assure that a physical manifestation of that spiritual opened gateway will soon follow to manifest in the physical realm as we are now seeing with the country of America and those nations that follow with America’s example.

Being separated from God and embracing darkness is a covenant with death. 

A world now being separated from God opened its gateways to unprecedented violent crimes in their own countries, and the individual people who opened their own gateways are the ones being the victims of such crimes in one way or another.

Below are just a few samples of people who found themselves at the wrong place & at the wrong time, simply by opening doorways or “gateways” to the demonic.

batJuly 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred inside of a Century 16 movie theater in Aurora Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. A gunman, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms. 12 people were killed and 70 others were injured, the largest number of casualties in a shooting in the United States.

Notes: Notice that the title of the movie was “The Dark Knight Rises” AKA “The Dark Night Rises”. The movie was shown at midnight and the dark night became a reality.

End result: The dark night arose, resulting in 12 people dead and 70 others severely injured.

May 2014, two young girls in the United States age 12 decide to play a game and invoke a fictional horror character by the name of “slender man”. A demonic spirit then soon appears as the “slender man” and convinced them to stab another young girl in which they complied. Fortunately, the young stabbed victim survived.

Note: Demons love to impersonate and take on the character of whatever a person might be invoking, whether be a dead relative or friend, or whether be a religious or horror type of figure. If you call them, they will come and is never good when they show up.

End Result: The two young girls’ lives have been forever changed as they are now facing most of their lives in prison, while another young girl’s live is scarred for live.

Sep 23, 2015 ‘Ghost hunters” for a reality show of the same name Mark and Debby Constantino were found dead in an apartment after a standoff with police in Sparks, Nevada United States.

Notes: Ghosts are in reality demonic spirits who can attach themselves either into objects in order to transmit curses, or into people in order to influence them to do evil in which includes murder & suicide.

End Result: Mark and Debby Constantino made a living looking for “spirits of the dead” which in reality are demonic spirits and as a result these demons arranged their own deaths.


Oct 26, 2015, two friends in New Mexico United Sates (Perry & Paquin) spend their whole day watching episodes of the zombie apocalypse series “The Walking Dead”. After hrs of drinking alcohol and watching the zombie series one of the two friends (Paquin) began to take the personality of a zombie and was trying to bite Perry’s flesh off. Police say Perry then began to beat Paquin with his hands, feet, an electric guitar and a microwave, killing his friend. Perry is now being held with murder charges.

Notes: Drugs, alcohol, and occult themes are gateways for demonic attacks.

End Result: One person murdered and the other one facing murder charges and most of his life in prison.


Oct 30, 2015, a Heavy metal band by the name of ‘Good bye To Gravity” performed a concert in Bucharest Romania. The concert hall caught on fire and nearly 200 people were injured in the flames which reportedly broke out during a song called ‘The Day We Die’.

Notes: Death is nothing to sing about nor to be glorified. When death comes its final. Therefore you better be sure where you soul will end up when your body dies.

End Result: The current total of death casualties as of today is 45 with 21 others severely injured which in any minute could potentially raise the dead toll to even higher.

Oct. 31, 2015, a teenage girl in the UK decided to dress up for Halloween as a leopard complete with cat eyes and all. Upon trying to remove her contact cat eye lenses, she quickly realized that one of the lenses became glued to her eye. In a panic she then forcefully removed her contact lens which ripped out her cornea causing extensive damage to her eye.

Notes: We are not to celebrate Halloween which is a celebration of torture, sacrifice, and death. All major secular companies are Luciferian and they purposely inflict damages to people by creating faulty products. Many times razors and other sharp objects are found inside Halloween candies and no one is ever held accountable.

End Result: This teenage girl experience the excruciating torturous pain of having her cornea ripped off , thus unknowingly sacrificing her cornea in exchange for dressing up as something she is not.

Nov. Friday the 13th, 2015; a group of Islamic terrorists coordinated a series of attacks in Paris France, amount them included a massacre in the Bataclan theatre where a heavy metal band by the name of, “Eagles of Death Metal” was performing their concert. It should be well noted that it’s been reported that the leader of the group likes to refer himself as “The Devil”. All members of the band escaped unharmed while a group of jihadist terrorist opened fire indiscriminately into the crowed attending, killing 127 people and injuring others.

Notes: People nowadays like to celebrate and glorify death, weather be through movies, music, or through Halloween celebrations.
End Result: Early death & tragedy do come to those who celebrate death and glorify it, think of it as the law of attraction that is so popular in the secular world.

These are just a few examples of a long list of incidents related to occult or dark practices and death glorification. This is a pattern that appears to be ongoing and continues to go unnoticed in the secular world. The theme of darkness and death does in fact open spiritual gates to those involved in these dark theme practices, and the people producing this dark stuff to the masses do know it.

People work hard and then spend their money in things that are ungodly that do not feed neither their bodies nor their souls. People choose to spend their money in things that would open demonic gateways and bring curses in their lives. The sad part is that when evil over comes them, they have no clue or idea why. A person who works hard and spends their money in these things is a slave and a servant to those very things and thus having and serving their own god.

Even if you don’t spend a dime on these things make no mistake about it. A person is opened to demonic activity in their lives if they open themselves up by any means of sinful participation, most notably dark themes in forms of movies, music, video games, occult books, and even occult types of clothing.

If you are involved in any of these sinful practices, do not be surprised if evil comes your way. If you open any doors to the demonic, they will come in and the results would be catastrophic.

…….all they that hate me love death.” (Proverbs 8:36 KJV)

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. (Revelation 18:4 KJV)



True Salvation & the TRUE Gospel/Good News!

